String operators

Highest precedence

(expression) parentheses
string x number replication (returns number concatenated copies of string)
string . string concatenation
-r filename
-w filename
-x filename
-e filename
-z filename
-s filename
-f filename
-d filename
-T filename
-B filename
-M filename
-A filename
-C filename
file is readable
file is writable
file is executable
file exists
file has zero size
file size (in bytes)
file is an ordinary file
file is a directory
file is a text file
file is a binary file
number of days ago that the file was last modified
number of days ago that the file was last accessed
number of days ago that the file was created
string lt string
string gt string
string le string
string ge string
less than (returns true or false)
greater than (returns true or false)
less than or equal (returns true or false)
greater than or equal (returns true or false)
string eq string
string ne string
string cmp string
equal (returns true or false)
not equal (returns true or false)
comparison (returns -1, 0, +1)
variable = expression
variable op= expression
assign the value of the expression to the variable, and return that value
equivalent to variable = variable op expression, where op is one of .

Lowest precedence